Our Top 5 Tips for Recovering from Dental Implants

Whether you’ve booked in surgery for dental implants at our Loughborough dental practice already or you’re still weighing up your options, there’s lots of important information to know about caring for your mouth, teeth and gums after treatment. Today, our Loughborough-based dentists will advise you on what to do post-care, so you can ensure your results are the best as possible. Here are our 5 top tips for recovering from dental implant surgery.

Watch what you eat with Dental Implants

Dental implant surgery is performed in two stages. First, the metal root part of the tooth implant is placed. Then, healing takes place while you wear a temporary crown. Once everything has healed properly and your tooth implant has adhered to your gum and jawbone, the permanent crown (usually porcelain) can be placed.

While everything’s healing in the first week or two, you’ll want to focus on eating soft foods and drinks – think mash, stewed fruit, soups, yoghurts, smoothies and shakes, cottage cheese, jelly and others. This helps prevent pain and damage to the area.

1. Keep your mouth clean

Even with a very sore or sensitive mouth after your dental implants, it is important to keep on top of your oral health. This can help to prevent infection while you heal. Brush, floss and use mouthwash as before, but take care around the surgical site – perhaps by switching to a softer toothbrush, and by using salt water rinses.

dental implant structure in Loughborough Orthodontics and Implant studio

2. Check your pain relief

Some painkillers can disrupt healing—for example, aspirin thins the blood and may cause more bleeding at the tooth implant site, and doctors may not advise ibuprofen.

Talk to our team if you need more advice, as some various other medications and supplements should be avoided. You can also use covered ice packs to treat any swelling that may occur.

3. Attend any follow-ups for dental implants

Depending on your case, you may have one or more check-ups scheduled, which helps make sure your mouth, teeth and gums are healing nicely after your tooth implant surgery. If that’s the case, stick to your appointments so we can spot potential problems early.

4. Avoid heavy exercise with dental implants

Healing is crucial in those first few days – so go easy on the exercise programme. Gentle walking and hiking are fine, but high-impact sports and exercising might cause swelling in the treated area.

Talk to our team in Loughborough

For questions, comments, concerns and anything else about tooth implants, give our Loughborough dental practice a call or fill out our contact form today.

Book consultation

Discuss your options with Dr. Gosal and his professional team and decide what teeth straightening option is suitable for you. The consultation process involves an initial full assessment, followed by full records and X-rays followed by a further detailed discussion to provide you with a bespoke treatment plan and a thorough breakdown of your brace options. There is absolutely no obligation.

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